Summer BBQs as you know them, will never be the same 😍 This groundbreaking Raspberry Ice Cream Cake is a real game changer that will be adored by allΒ πŸ‘ŒΒ Serving 10, keep reading to learn how to make it for yourself!
​You’ll need:
βž–Β β€‹2 tbs icing sugar
βž–Β β€‹300g frozen raspberries
β€‹βž–Β β€‹2 L Vanilla Simply Indulge Ice Cream
β€‹βž–β€‹ Coarsely chopped meringue
β€‹βž–β€‹ ​¼ cup dropped dry roasted almonds
β€‹β€‹βž–β€‹ Finely chopped cookie pieces
​1️⃣ Mix half of the raspberries (150g) over medium heat until raspberries dissolve, strain through a sieve, set aside to cool.
​2️⃣ Grease a baking loaf tray (or any shape of baking tray you like!) and line with plastic wrap (leave the sides to overhang).
​3️⃣ Mix ice cream, meringue, almonds, cookies and remaining raspberries in a large bowl, add half of the icing sugar mixture and fold to marble. Spoon into the lined tray, cover with overhanging plastic wrap, place in freezer for 6 hours or overnight to freeze.
​4️⃣ Ready to serve on a plate with drizzles of remaining raspberry syrup and any decorations.

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