Step Up October

9,525 STEPS

Per Day

=295,275 Steps

In October

=225 KM

Virtual Distance

Well done everyone for finishing the step challenge!

Through this challenge, we’ve raised $6800 for Lifeline Adelaide, sufficient funds required for training two more Crisis Supporters for Lifeline Adelaide!

The winners of the challenge were announced on our Facebook page, and were contacted via email. The Digital Certificate of Achievements for all valid entries will be sent by email by the end of November 2022.

Thank you once again for all the donations and participations!

How Far Between Adelaide & Laura?

Well, it depends on where you start and which route you take!

For the sake of this step challenge, we’ve picked the path from Adelaide CBD Post Office, via Port Wakefield, to Laura Post Office. This gives us the magic number 225km on Goolge Maps for our step challenge!

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